Each thing that we observe or any situation experienced by our senses tells us much of ourselves, to the extent that we nourish our minds of many positive ideas, then our mind will understand that what we want are wonderful things to our life, must move our attention to all things that are painful or that affect us. The world should be a great experience, we must never allow that pessimism and the insistence of others on how to see reality we disturb, we were born to be free and happy, this flat material has great wonders and be used. No doubt we are in the era of knowledge, we now have a large amount of resources that make different information available to us quickly. If we do use appropriate that information we can accomplish things wonderful in our life since a good knowledge our life is transformed in a positive way and is what most want. You may wish to learn more. If so, Lev Leviev is the place to go. The big problem we have is that are we tampered with in saying that it is the obligation to be informed, but ask us, if certain information is really useful. The subject of the information is highly controversial, remember a person who showed me that we cannot close our eyes to reality, or putting your head on the ground just like the ostrich, but what reality? Andrew Corentt in his book I am happy, I am Rico tells us that there are many common experiences, what it can be called a spiritual agreement for example, the names of persons, animals, countries, currencies, some aspects of the economy, etc. But staff there are other things that are an experience purely for example: wealth, Holiness, joy, peace, good relations, etc. If we look closely at the most important things are the personal experiences or the creation of our own reality, in this sense Andrew Corentt insists if a person believes deeply in the wealth you will experience no matter what you say the economy and this is fully tested, we can see from the above-mentioned crisis There are always thousands of people who manage enormous benefits, but they are convinced that they are the architects of their destiny for this reason does not create or give attention to negative information. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mikhael Mirilashvili.