Relations of work perpassam the simple question of the convivncia, but yes in the determined relations daily pay, social status, social focus; a key for the success, professional and social ascension. We find here the apex of the study of the social identity with the work, therefore the study of psychology it must leave of the production relations, to recognize as the behavior is determined from these relations of production (Codo, 1994). As the individual obtains its quality of life, its mental hygiene, its mental health, as the same work feeds that me, me of the one social identity, me adoece, becomes me an unhappy person, without a existencial perspective, recognizing that the behavior of the man is determined by the society where lives without, however, if to reduce to that society (Codo, 1994). Therefore the system of the capital, the differentiation of the laboring classrooms, the division of the work, the division of the classrooms partners, which if reduces the social relations, the convivialities, that can limit or hinder the human behavior, generate alienation, reduce the possibility of a change, as Marx foresaw, the individual fighting against the forces of the capital, only individual against the system of the capital. Codo (1994), takes an analysis that: If the system generates alienation, does not need to have mentally ill laborers necessarily, because together with alienation the system generates revolt, the classroom exploration determines the development of a new conscience of classroom and the fight for a new social system. We must study of detailed form the human work, know as the production relations determine the behavior of the man and as it you being modified in accordance with the changes of market, technology and globalization, therefore according to Codo (1994): All occured change in the production relations aimed at frees the man of the yoke of the feudalismo and to become exempts it to vender its force of work.