Queso Blanco

Of the analyzed samples, 100% had presented its presence in numbers that had varied of 7,0×10 to 5,1×104, being eliminated after the pasteurizao caretaker, confirming the effectiveness of the thermal process. In accordance with the data above, we can affirm that after the reproduced slow pasteurizao in surrounding caretaker, was efficient, and the samples if […]

Test Insurance

The attitude of the social welfare is very valid, even so delayed, however the recovery of these credits will be delayed and of difficult recovery and still congestionar ours already congested Justice. More good it would be the SUS to receive insurance DPVAT at the moment from the treatment marries victims of traffic accidents, therefore […]


Both the reactions are exotrmicas, that is, a reaction where heat release occurs, this heat is set free, therefore it has fuel burning that provokes the Co2 formation, (carbon dioxide), this composition is one of the main contributors for the atmospheric pollution, but it will be that the gasoline and the alcohol are pollutant in […]

Rio De Janeiro

The theories of the Citizenship become related all the problems that say it respect to the relations between the citizens and all a nation and enter the proper citizens between itself, marking its democratic complexities, practical challenges and in the societies contemporaries. Which this democracy if relates with certain utopia where nor all have its […]

Rousseau Dictionary

It seems? in the revealer the analogy that Rousseau traces between the natural regularity and the social one. What it wants showing in them? What this means? Rousseau ironically wants in them to indicate the nature of the corruption and of the decay, that is, he is ' ' natural' ' customs to be corrupted […]

National Curricular Parameters

The inserted Physical Education in the educational context comes positively being used in this direction, having as one of its some pedagogical contents, the game, considering to develop in its process of teach-learning, of the agent of its formation in the aspects cognitivo, physical, moral and mainly social. The National Curricular Parameters, PCN' s (2001: […]


The objective of this study is to protocol a process of desinfestao of plants and establishment of cultures of nodais segments for the micropropagation of Mentha pulegium, determining half the most efficient ones for its growth, pertinent development and studies to the effect of growth regulators. Click Jeremy Tucker to learn more. 2? MATERIAL AND […]

Matt Damon

Beyond this notion key that is inherent to the man, unless this has structural injuries and conflicts; one becomes necessary to see according to Rogers the conditions of the therapeutical process, that of the base for the modification and balance of the personality: That two people are in contact; that the first person, that we […]

The Individual

In case that the adolescent proves drugs for curiosity, it she must be conscientious that the sucesiva continuation goes to generate damages deriving from a null contract for proper itself and for the others. Scivoletto (2001) through a study had perceived that some families of chemical dependents showed disfunes in the areas of the affection […]

Formula Magic

Many come to my query and ask me if I know any formula magic that helps them to maintain an ideal weight! I answered them I don’t have a formula magic, but I have 2300 tips that if at least a few, surely conseguireis apply a remarkable difference, so I decided to give her some. […]