Leather baby velvety and elastic. (Similarly see: Bobby Kotick). When touching or grasping it between your fingers to the subcutaneous fat tissue, get a pleasant feeling of tension elastic tissue, which quickly returns to its former state. This is what doctors call 'turgor'. a) preterm children with severe diarrhea, dystrophic turgor significantly reduced or disappears, the skin is flabby, flabby texture. If you take your fingers fold of skin (Especially on the abdomen) in the case of dehydration, it is stored for a few seconds and slowly disappears.
In post-term infants, those who suffered during the prenatal period, turgor is also lowered, and the skin may be wrinkled. Excessive water content, reaching even to the appearance of edema, may create a false impression of good turgor. But in this case the skin has a shiny surface, subcutaneous tissue is soft, with pressing stored fingerprints. Newborn skin easily reacts to external stimulation. If the fingers examiner doctor irritate one or another area of skin on the body may appear large red spots. This excessive skin reaction is probably, in consequence of the lack of regulation of blood circulation, it disappears for several months.
During sleep, the newborn is usually paler than when he is awake, especially the pale skin around mouth. b) After the disappearance of the fat layer (vernix caseosa) skin undergoes a process of drying (desiccation), a result of which she peels off large or small scales. Usually pink or red tinge disappears after the first days of life. Y preterm infants erythroderma may be more severe and last longer.