Managing Director

More ownership for the investment pays off Thomas George, data management expert of EDMplus GmbH in Leipzig wants to help small investors to assume more personal responsibility for their investments. This he called a depot control portal into life under, that transparent represents the value development of its assets from the date of purchase to each investor. With an individual investment strategy, the investors defines which value development he wants to sell. So, maximizing profits and losses reduced. Ben Silbermann wanted to know more. Instead of waiting for the annual Depot accounts, can investors find daily about his investments and respond. This works even if the investments in various depots are located. In addition, it can be compared with fixed-income investments (E.g. overnight) the safe custody assets.

Chart display patent pending Thomas George comes from the field of mass data processing and software for energy companies and energy-intensive industries. As small investors he has teamed up with various Busy Depot management programs. The most charts represent the assets only for a predefined period of the past such as three months or half a year. The performance of the deposit value is interesting for investors but only from the date of purchase, to achieve gains. Its patent-pending development shows the value development of the individual plant from the date of purchase. Traffic light function of the investors defines itself its individual investor strategy in terms of its risk appetite. This is represented by a straight, a target curve and a curve for the minimum performance in a graphic.

The value is below the minimum curve, the red coloring of the value indicates the recommendation to reduce loss. The value across the finish line, the user over a partial sale can realize a profit taking. The falls in this area, should be thinking about a complete sale of profit assurance. Details to the depot value when mouse rollover it touches the portfolio value in the graph with the mouse, its identification number, Date of purchase, purchase value including entry fees, course dates, is amount and profit/loss in absolute terms and as a percentage to the course date will be displayed. Comparison with fixed-income investments through an additional feature shows how does the annual performance of a depot value when compared to fixed-income investments. Customer-friendly checkout Thomas George has set up the customer glasses in his development. So potential customers free use the portal at the date of filing. With the registration the user enters into any contractual obligations. Only with the invoice request, the customer decides about the conclusion of a contract or a contract continuation. There is no period of notice or automatic renewals. The depot control Portal is currently available for mutual funds with sales permission in Germany. The extension of deposit control for other types of securities (E.g. shares) is in preparation. The annual fee for mutual funds is 29.98 incl. value added tax. At the end of a two-year contract is a 10% discount granted. More information and images on the Internet under: Thomas George profile: Dipl.-ing. (FH) specialising in energy Managing Director of EDMplus GmbH and head of product development, developer of the depot control portal, providing EDMplus GmbH on energy data management systems (electricity and gas) for network operators, energy traders and companies (industry, trade).