The consumers judge the trustworthiness after delivery of the product or service. – Flexibility: It means to change the operation in: what it makes, as makes and when it makes. Change is the word-key and generally the satisfaction of the consumer is destined. The requirements take care of the four types: different products and services, ample variety of products and services, amount or different volume of production or service and different times of delivery. – Costs: How much lesser the cost of production of products or services, minor will be the price to the consumers for companies who concur directly in prices in the market. The low cost of production can also provide increase in the profit of the company. The main costs of the production area are related to: employees, materials and installations and technology and equipment.
For Moreira (2002), one of the important aspects of the objectives is the structure of the involved time for atingiz them. It must be had priority, time and structure to carry through it. According to Slack (1999), beyond determining the performance objectives, it must be established the production strategies that establish which the main areas of decision of production. 2.1.3 Strategy of the production In accordance with Slack (1999), later that if it determines the objectives of performance of the organization, defines the strategies of the production that will go to contain a set of general principles that will contribute for the process of decision taking. The strategy is the standard of decision and action that the company must apply to reach its objectives in long stated period and has as objective to contribute directly for the strategical objectives of the superior level and to assist the other parts of the business to reach the strategical objectives. According to Stevenson (2001), the strategies are plain so that the goals are reached and supply the necessary focalizao the decision taking.